Meet Taylor Rucker
The Founder
After 12 years of being a stay at home mom. I found myself searching for the right career that would allow me to still be mom to 4 of the most amazing children I have ever met. You know doing the important stuff like homework, dinners, field trips, making sure they got to and from school and being home on the weekends for them.
After searching for the perfect "Job" for a long time. Someone said to me
" You should start your own business".
After sitting on the idea for a couple months and looking into what that would look like.
You've Got It Maid was born and started accepting... Okay if it were only that easy. More like searching for Clients early 2013.
While it took a moment for those first clients (who are still on our schedules today) we have quickly grown to serve nearly 200 clients on a monthly basis. And I am still home in time for dinner!
Thank you for allowing us into your homes, making us feel like a part of the family and most importantly helping my dream become a reality. Without YOU none of this would have been possible.
Yours Truly,
Taylor Rucker